Tuesday 27 December 2011


We spent Christmas at home with my parents and, grandparents, uncle as well as V who couldn't make it home due to work and her hamster Pat. It was a lovely day work family I don't get to see very often and everyone got presents under the tree (including the dogs and hamster of course).

 The poor littlest dog Siouxsie still has a bandage on her leg, but the vet did her best to make it christmassy. She still looks miserable though...
I got some amazing goodies, including a Samsung galaxy tablet, which I'm writing this post on now so excuse any spelling and formatting errors please!

But I'm sure you're most interested in the yarny goodness.

My parents took a trip to New York earlier this year, and I know they visited Knitty City whilst there, as my mum told me I would love it. Whilst there they bought me some gorgeous sock yarn (Baa! La Jolla ) and a project bag, though I think the Knitty City bag can also be a project bag.
Here's a yarny close up
I also got a project bag from the boy's parents. It's Cath Kidston, who I'm sure everyone knows I love.
Speaking of the boy, he got me exactly what I wanted. Starborn sparkle sock yarn in Vampire Kisses from Solstice Yarns, which I adore, and is also dyed by an indie dyer who lives close to me!
A close up.

And a learn to spin kit from Hilltop Cloud, which was recommended on Ravelry. It contains a drop spindle, 2 types or roving and some batt. It comes in different colours, and I got exactly the one I wanted.

I'm planning to attempt spinning for Peppermint Mocha Mama's January challenge. It looks like it's going to be hard, but I can't wait to try!
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas, and got what you wanted!

Merry Christmas to everyone (and Happy Hannukah and Fetive Festivus, depending on what you celebrate)

1 comment:

  1. I promise, spinning isn't as difficult as people make it out to be. If you have an idea of what yarn should look like, you have an idea if you're doing it correctly. However, your first spinning projects are going to be lumpy, thick, and think all over the place and that's okay (it makes for good hats and scarves).
